
Montag, der 20. Juli 2009
Killing Stones

Killing Stones – with strong muscels!




When the big truck arrived on our place every member of the group were standing in place, ready to built the rainbow. Everybody was very happy an excited. All of the members helped each other in caring the heavy long wood with strong muscels. We can do it! , everybody shouted.

The work began. The groups Ghandi and Walinca started to dig the foundation of the rainbow. The digging took up most of the time because of very much big rocks and stones in the ground, but the BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG! rocks were not a problem for us because we had our very own Arnold Mateusz Schwarzenegger. Actually he killed the rocks! Who also lead us into a song to keep us going, in Polish and English. Whilst digging the foundation holes of the rainbow we found a very very special treasure. Like when Rolf told us earlier that it is difficult to find the treasure at the end of the rainbow. But this time we found it our treasure at the begging of the rainbow. Some say it is a swimming pool or a little fishing pand but than we realised that it was a very old toilet used by the Helmuts. After the very hard digging we put up the first A-shapes of the rainbow.

At the end of our working day we were tired and all bodies were in pain except for Sasha and Klaus.


For the second part of the day we must really say thank for the good kitchen group who prepared delicious meals. We headed down to the rainbow site where we recived good entertainment of drama and a presentation from Madiba Flow about their day.

The evening ended when we went up to the house on the hill top read of Helmut James`s letter to his Heart. We song some new songs all together. And the finali of the day was the camp fire where we sang more songs and made and ate our “stockbrod”. The evening was almost complete Stephie and Caro decided to get lost on their way back home but thanks to God woke up in their beds.