Mittwoch, der 12. August 2015
Celebration of the top beam

Another rainbow birthday was upon us. Sibu was the birthday boy this time and we joined together to sing for him and wish him well. Wednesday was a very special day in for rainbow project Premnitz. It was the day the group came together to put up the final top beam. To celebrate the success in building together the rainbow. We sang and danced and cheered while ´´Marching in the light of God´´ attracting a lot of attention from members of the public and media. This event symbolizes the end to the rainbow construction and there is the feeling that it was all very quick. The spirits of the group was high with everyone clearly happy. The culture group went on another bicycle trip to BUGA Rathenow where they spent two hours having fun and enjoying the nature. During this trip a certain person named Mathias managed to get lost but was eventually found. We are sure he had an adventure. In the evening we were given information about some possibilities for our stay in Berlin. We were told about all the different places we could visit as well as the times costs for these visits. More information will still come for this week. The kitchen group prepared some delicious potato slices “Kartoffelspalten” accompanied by cake for the special rainbow birthday. For the evening programme we met with our national country groups to share and talk about our emotions and feelings about the past two and a half weeks. Some members found interesting and funny ways to break the tension of the discussions. For more information about methods to break the ice during group discussions please contact Johanna on +49983…These discussions will still continue for some as they learnt a lot from them.  The evening ended in a relaxed way with some choosing to play card games, dancing and enjoying themselves outdoors.