Dienstag, der 11. August 2015
Karaoke time

 The morning started with the celebration of Dor’s birthday, so it was his chance to wear the birthday crone and the rainbow cross bands.
After breakfast we split up into the family groups. The public group had a great time at the kindergarten, singing, playing and taking selfies with the children. The kitchen group was swiping, cleaning and sweating for having clean bathrooms again.
After lunch some people had a great time at the river Havel, learned how to swim, played cards and enjoyed the refreshing river water. The hardworking group at the rainbow finally got the concrete to fix the wooden structure. Since it was really hot, sweaty and exhausting they were very excited when Marlene and Tine surprised them with some nice ice-cream…Wuuuunderbar!!
All of us were really happy and relieved to welcome back Saja at dinner, she was fighting during the bicycle trip to Rathenow. Luckily she won the fight and survived the hectic ride.
In the evening we were practicing the songs that we are going to sing at the rainbow side when we  put up the last rainbow beam. It almost felt like we were in South Africa as we were singing Siyahamba!
We had another celebration (with cake!!!) for Dor’s birthday, he finally got back his lost phone that he was longing for soooo long!
And then the Party started… We had karaoke (with cake!!). Some hidden talents were discovered as everyone hit the stage and performed some great and some not so great songs. Even though it was still hot, we were dancing a lot, sweating a lot and had a great time learning the Arabian dance moves.
Even when most people were happy, it was also a really sad evening because we had to say farewell to one of our family members, who had to go back to Israel...Too soon! We’ll try to keep it as a `till we meet again´. The night ended in good spirits as we celebrated another birthday boy.